• Slotboom, The fining policy of the Dutch Competition Authority with regard to natural persons, Markt & Mededinging (forthcoming 2013), in Dutch
  • Bronckers, Vallery, Fair and effective competition policy in the EU: Which role for authorities and which role for the courts after Menarini?, 8 European Competition Journal 283-299 (Issue 2, 2012)
  • Bronckers, Vallery, Norway Post: The EFTA Court advances the debate on human rights and administrative competition law enforcement (case note on Posten Norge AS – EFTA Surveillance Authority, EFTA Court, Judgment of 18 April 2012, E-15/10), 15 European Law Reporter, 105-113 (Issue 4, 2012)
  • Bronckers, Vallery, Business as usual after Menarini?, 3 Mlex Magazine, 44-47 (Issue 1, 2012)
  • Vallery, Hujoel, La loi sur la continuité des entreprises à l’épreuve du droit de la concurrence in Actualité de la continuité, continuité de l’actualité, Etats généraux de la continuité des entreprises sous la direction de Alain Zenner and Marc Dal, Barreaux de Bruxelles Ordre français, 651–699 (Larcier, 2012)
  • Vallery, Marconi, Note : L’arrêt de la Cour constitutionnelle du 22 décembre 2011 : une protection juridictionnelle effective en cas d’inspection, 6 TBM – RCB, Maklu, 130-153 (Issue 2-3, 2012)
  • Slotboom, The Dutch Competition Authority is knocking on the door. But where is its judicial authorization?, Markt & Mededinging, 110-116 (2012), in Dutch
  • Bronckers, Vallery, No Longer Presumed Guilty? The Impact of Fundamental Rights on Certain Dogmas of EU Competition Law, 34 World Competition, 535-570 (Issue 4, 2011)
  • Van Gerven, Hujoel, Court of Justice Confirms a Low Standard for Distributor’s Liability in Parallel Trade Cases, 2 Journal of European Competition Law & Practice, 471-473 (Issue5, 2011)
  • Slotboom, Ter Wee, Case note on the CRV judgment of the highest Dutch administrative court, Markt & Mededinging, 26-31 (2011), in Dutch
  • Slotboom et al., Settling mass claims – a recent case will boost the Netherlands’ jurisdictional Importance, Competition Law Insight, 5-11 (2011)
  • Slotboom, France Telecom: when is State aid financed through State resources, 5 Journal of European Law and Practice, 420-422 (Issue 1, 2010)
  • Slotboom, Recent developments of competition law and the impact of the sector inquiry, European Energy Law Report VII, 97-114 (edited by Roggenkamp and Hammer, Intersentia, 2010)
  • Slotboom, Haan, Case note on a judgment of the Hague appeal court judgment in an abuse of dominant position case (Port Authority of Rotterdam vs. Oil Industry), Markt & Mededinging, 157-161 (2010), in Dutch
  • Vallery, Settlements in EU Antitrust Law, In Mélanges en l’honneur du Professeur Georges Vandersanden, 735-770 (Bruylant, Bruxelles, 2009), in French
  • Slotboom, Antitrust rules and the energy sector, European Energy Law Report V, 3-21 (edited by Roggenkamp and Hammer, Intersentia, 2008)
  • Slotboom, Coumans, Recent Changes in Dutch Competition Law, 28 European Competition Law Review, 607-616 (Issue 11, 2007)
  • Slotboom, ter Heegde, The AUV/Aesculaap case and the reasonable time period in competition law cases, Markt & Mededinging, 20-25 (2007), in Dutch
  • Van Gerven, Regulation 1/2003: Inspections (“Dawn Raids”) and the Rights of Defense, in Carl Baudenbacher (Ed.), Neueste Entwicklungen im europäischen und internationalen Kartellrecht, 13. St. Galler Internationales Kartellrechtsforum, 327-357 (2006)
  • Vallery, Ehlermann, Giving Meaning to the Condition of Effect on Trade: The Court’s Judgment in Xunta de Galicia, a Missed Opportunity, EstAl, 693-712 (Issue 4, 2005)
  • Vallery, Kim, Waters, Judicial Review of Mergers, The European Antitrust Review, 41-43 (2005)
  • Slotboom, ter Heegde, Are the Dutch unbundling plans in the energy sector compatible with EC law?, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Energie, 240-248 (2005), in Dutch
  • Slotboom, Coumans, Case note on theTexaco judgment of the Rotterdam Court of First Instance, Markt & Mededinging, 250-253 (2005), in Dutch
  • Baetens, Leniency for cartels: Rewarding whistleblowers (original title: Clementie bij kartelvorming: Spijtoptanten worden beloond), Juristenkrant, 99 (2004), in Dutch
  • Vallery, Louis, Ferring Revisited : The Altmark Case and State Financing of Public Service Obligations, 27 World Competition Law and Economics Review, 53-74 (Issue 1, 2004)
  • Van Gerven, Louis, Charro, Litigating merger decisions: over to the judges, The European Antitrust Review, 43-47 (2004)
  • Vallery, Stark, Louis, Cartel Investigation: The Decision to Settle or Fight, presented by Charles Stark at the ABA Antitrust Section International Cartel Workshop, New York, (2004)
  • Van Gerven, Hoet, Commentary on Belgian Competition Law, in Competition Law in Western Europe and the USA, Kluwer, (2004)
  • Slotboom, Parret, The Dutch Competition Authority should be prepared to give guidance to companies, Het Financieele Dagblad, (2004), in Dutch
  • Slotboom, ter Heegde, Case note on the Ice Cream judgment of the European Court of Justice, Markt & Mededinging, 49-56 (2004), in Dutch
  • Vallery, Louis, State Aid and the Financing of Public Services : The Altmark Judgment, Competition Law insight, 3-6 (2003)
  • Slotboom, Coumans, Modernisation of EC competition law, Advocatenblad, 72-75 (Issue 2, 2003)
  • Slotboom, ter Heegde, Case note on the Hydro Energy/SEP judgment of the Rotterdam District Court, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Energie, 26-29 (Issue 1, 2003), in Dutch
  • Slotboom, Coumans, What can companies do in case of dawn raids of the Dutch Competition Authority?, Het Financieele Dagblad (2002), in Dutch
  • Slotboom, Coumans, Overview of case law on Dutch competition law in 2001, Markt & Mededinging, 91-102 (2002), in Dutch
  • Slotboom, The prohibition on integrated co-operation with accountants is compatible with European law, Advocatenblad, 246-253, (2002), in Dutch
  • Van Gerven, Public Private Partnerships and competition law , R.W., 505-517 (2000-2001), in Dutch
  • Bronckers, van der Vlies, The European Court’s PreussenElektra judgment: Tension between EU principles and national renewable energy initiatives, 22 European Competition Law Review, 458-468 (Issue 10, 2001)
  • Slotboom, Protection against self-incrimination in Dutch competition law: too limited in view of Article 6 ECRM?, Handhaving van de Mededingingswet, 131-143 (edited by O.J.D.M.L. Jansen, Widdershoven, van der Meulen, Kluwer, 2001), in Dutch
  • Slotboom, Advocate-General of the European Court of Justice: The Dutch Bar Association may prohibit co-operation beteen lawyers and accountants, Advocatenblad, 491-493 (Issue 13, 2001), in Dutch
  • Slotboom, More permissible EC competition rules for agreements between competitors, Advocatenblad, 254-356 (Issue 3, 2001), in Dutch
  • Slotboom, Decentralisation of European competition law, Advocatenblad, 87-89 (Issue 3, 2001), in Dutch
  • Slotboom, European group exemption for vertical agreements, Advocatenblad, 128-129 (Issue 3, 2001), in Dutch
  • Slotboom, Case note in the Hydro Energy/SEP decision of the Dutch Competition Authority, Markt & Mededinging, 151-154 (1999), in Dutch
  • Slotboom, Dutch competition law, not tied to EC competition law, Sociaal-Economische Wetgeving, 42-47 (1999), in Dutch
  • Slotboom, Case note on the Kali & Salz judgment of the European Court of Justice, Markt & Mededinging, 91-95 (1998), in Dutch
  • Slotboom, The Dutch Act on the implementation of EC competition regulations, Sociaal-Economische Wetgeving, 96-100 (1998), in Dutch
  • Slotboom, Bos, The Technology Transfer Regulation – a practitioner’s perspective, 32 The International Lawyer, 1-25 (Issue 1, 1998)
  • Slotboom, The role of the courts in competition law cases, Dossier Onderneming & Mededinging, 60-65 (1998), in Dutch
  • Slotboom, The inspection powers of the Dutch Competition Authority, TVVS 323-328 (Issue 11, 1997), in Dutch
  • Slotboom, The Parliament has adopted the Dutch Competition Act, TVVS 113-114 (Issue 4, 1997), in Dutch
  • Slotboom, At the service of competition? (procedural aspects of the Dutch draft Competition Act), 44 Sociaal-Economische Wetgeving, 290-297 (1996), in Dutch
  • Van Gerven, A new approach for cooperative joint ventures?, S.E.W., 84-96 (1196), in Dutch
  • Slotboom, Bos, The Netherlands, Chapter XIII of Competition Laws of Europe, 291-306 (edited by J.H. Maitland-Walker ed., Butterworths, 1995)
  • Slotboom, State aid in EC law: a broad or narrow definition?, 20 European Law Review, 289-301 (Issue 3, 1995)
  • Slotboom, van Oosten, The Magill case: ‘compulsory licence’ under EC competition law is possible, Euridica, 3-5 (Issue 4, 1995), in Dutch
  • Slotboom, The passive role of the Dutch civil courts: also with respect to EC law?, Euridica, 3-6 (Issue 7, 1995), in Dutch
  • Slotboom, Are state monopolies in jeopardy?, Bedrijfsjuridische Berichten, 138-141 (Issue 16, 1993), in Dutch
  • Slotboom, The assessment of co-operative joint ventures pursuant to Article 85 of the EEC Treaty, Euridica, 3-5 (Issue 4, 1993), in Dutch
  • Slotboom, The disclosure of information to the EEC Commission, Bedrijfsjuridische Berichten, 217-2318 (Issue 24, 1992), in Dutch